Battlefield Twitter responds to rumors by … talking about spaghetti


The official Battlefield Twitter account responded to a list of supposed features for the upcoming Battlefield game with its own list outlining spaghetti features. goes on to describe the many hallmarks of popular Italian food. The seven-point list covers confirmed and objective facts such as “good with garlic bread” and is accompanied by a picture of the “spaghetti” world in the Battlefield font.

For all of this to make sense, you’ll need to check out the original post from Twitter user Roberto Serrano, who posted the Battlefield logo along with a set of nine rumors about the next game in the series. According to these rumors, the next Battlefield is expected to return to the modern period of Battlefield 2/3/4 and feature matches with up to 128 players. Serrano claims the game will release in fall 2021 on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X, with a free battle royale in early 2022.

DICE’s only official response to these claims is the mock post, which quotes tweets from Serrano’s original post and copies its entire format, but it’s all about the spaghetti. It is certainly an original way of commenting on the rumor mill.It is of course important to note that Serrano’s article provides no evidence for these claims and therefore should not be taken as anything other than speculation. Features like “soldiers, weapons, vehicle customization” and “full-scale and close-quarters battles” have been so part of the fabric of Battlefield since the first game in the series, however, that you can reasonably be prepared for them.

Earlier this year, EA said Battlefield would take full advantage of next-gen consoles. The publisher is expected to officially unveil the next game in the spring.

Matt Purslow is IGN’s UK news and entertainment editor.


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