"Be weak and die!" Looking for clues behind Trump weekend's Twitter dam


As often, there was a correlation between what was written on Mr. Trump's Twitter feed and Fox News programming. The weekend conspiracy theories tour began on Friday, when Mr. Trump raised a nascent movement called "Jexodus", the invention of a conservative Jewish activist who describes himself as a group of "proud Millennia Jews tired of living in bondage. leftist politics. "

"The" Jexodus "movement is encouraging Jews to leave the Democratic Party," Trump wrote on Twitter, but there is no indication that Jewish voters have deserted the party. But Trump seemed to be reacting to an appearance on "Fox & Friends" by the group's spokesperson, Elizabeth Pipko, a former model and staff member of the Trump 2016 campaign.

Brian Ott, who studies the effects of rhetoric at Texas Tech University and is the author of a book on Trump's tweets, said the president seemed less concerned about the consequences of his messages.

"Not only is the situation getting worse," said Dr. Ott. "I do not think we've seen the tip of the iceberg yet. As these investigations begin to come closer to him, his only game is to stoke vitriol and violence. "

The tweet has also become a normal part of the way the president bypasses the media and his own advisers to communicate to the public what's bothering him. But the whirlwind of the weekend was so unusual that he created his own mini-news cycle, with targets using their own platforms to respond and helpers answering journalists' questions about the president's mental state.

Kellyanne Conway, a counselor to the president, defended her on Monday morning after her husband, George Conway, spent the weekend expressing concerns about the "narcissistic personality disorder" and said on Twitter that Mr. Trump's situation was deteriorating. "

"No, I do not share those concerns," Conway told reporters outside the White House.

Meghan McCain, host of "The View" and daughter of Mr. McCain, said the attacks – which included the presidential account of a woman who claimed that "millions of Americans really LOVE the president Trump, not McCain, "made him feel bad for Mr. Trump's family.

"I can not imagine having a father doing that on weekends," McCain said.


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