‘Bean Dad’ becomes Twitter’s first ‘main character’ in 2021


If you took to Twitter in the first weekend of 2021, you were probably wondering why everyone was talking about beans.

The answer: “Bean Dad” has become Twitter’s first “main character“of the year, the person who has such a bad grip that people feel pressured to dive in.

On Saturday night, musician and podcaster John Roderick shared the story of his hungry 9-year-old daughter who wanted baked beans. Twenty-three tweets later, we’ve got the whole story.

Basically, the child wanted to eat the baked beans. Roderick saw it as a “teaching moment”. He wanted her to open the can herself. Her daughter didn’t understand how a can opener works because she is 9 years old. Roderick wanted her to understand how the can opener itself worked. Six hours later, the frustrated 9-year-old figured out how to open the can of beans with the can opener.

The story and the tone in which it was told infuriated Twitter. “She’s 9”, “Apocalypse Dad” and an exasperated all-caps “SIX HOURS” aired on Twitter all Sunday morning.

People also had jokes.

Bean Dad’s speech was so important that people felt they had to participate.

Bean Dad obviously had to respond to negative responses.

Now, as a father of two (a 5 year old and a 1.5 year old) I can tell you that personally I wouldn’t spend my kids six hours trying to figure out how to open a box. of beans. I also try to avoid criticizing other parenting “styles”.

Roderick took 23 tweets to tell a story in the most condescending way possible. This is something you would do if you were trying to get readers to hate you.

And that’s what made me think this whole story was written on purpose just to get people up. A fan of Roderick’s podcast agrees.

This follows, especially if you take into account that Ken Jennings of Danger! fame is his podcast co-host.

So what’s the moral of this story?

It’s not about parents, or beans, or joke writing. For me, the moral of the story was crafted perfectly by Twitter user @maplecocaine in 2019.

Every day a person’s opinion on Twitter is so hot that it triggers an avalanche of criticism, making that person the “main character” of the day.

Even though we’re in a whole new year, full of new hopes and dreams … some things stay the same.

UPDATE: January 3, 2021, 4:51 p.m. ET: One of the consequences of being the Twitter “main character” of the day is that people really start to look at your journey.

As old Roderick tweets come to light, it may be time for him to take after his podcast co-host Ken Jennings, who recently had to apologize for his own old, insensitive tweets.

UPDATE: January 3, 2021, 5:43 p.m. ET: The Twitter account for the “My Brother, My Brother and I” podcast announced that it will no longer use Roderick’s music on the show.


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