Beautiful Toddler's "Disney princess eyes" is a rare genetic disease. Mehlani VIral Twitter / News


"Disney princess eyes" of the infant because of a rare genetic disease twitter / news Mehlani Martinez VIral Hit.
Mehlani Martinez has become viral for her larger-than-life eyes, but her Disney princess-esque look is actually due to a rare genetic condition.

Mehlani's mother, Karina, recently tweeted about how the first thing people do when they see her almost two-year-old daughter is still her big eyes.
I am so nervous about starting school. And if other kids are mean with her eyes and that she is making fun of her? And if she starts to hate her beautiful and unique eyes? It makes me want to cry thinking about it because it's so strong and sweet
Whenever I was out and that a stranger compliments how big and beautiful his eyes are, I have a mental debate about whether I should mention his flaw. I decide no, smile and say thank you. I am always with a strange feeling. I just pray that she will always know how beautiful she is. .

