According to Yevgeny Pervyshov, thanks to the joint work, the municipal administration was able to refinance itself at the most profitable conditions last year, to bring the interest on municipal loans to 8%. The development of a cashless payments system in various fields is one of the important areas of cooperation with Sberbank. In the hands of Krasnodar – already more than 3 million bank cards. At the same time, the volume of transactions increases by 15-20% per annum
The agreement determines the areas of cooperation between PJSC "Sberbank" and the Krasnodar administration in the development of infrastructure for the Acceptance of bank cards and popularization of non-monetary settlements. Promising areas include municipal and commercial public transport, municipal markets, payment for services in social institutions.
"This year, the project" Cashless City "Sberbank sells all over the country.While taking into account the experience of our effective joint work, Krasnodar is included in the first basin of Russian cities, where this project is put We plan to equip all socially necessary facilities for cashless payments, "Andrei Oreshko said.
According to Oreshko, under the project, it is planned to introduce the possibility of cashless payment in all commercial bus transport units. A non-monetary system should be put in place in two municipal markets, 306 schools and kindergartens, to cover 100% of this health system
According to the Department of Economic Development, Investments and External Relations, only the trade and service organizations about 20 thousand electronic terminals for cashless payment. In the territory of Krasnodar there are 88.3 thousand yachi, reports
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