The American "supercomputer" has calculated a million options and named the winner of the World Cup


MOSCOW, July 5 – RIA Novosti. The calculation model of the US bank Goldman Sachs predicted the victory of the Brazilian national team at the world championships in Russia, writes the economic portal Money Control


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"Supercomputer" Goldman Sachs modeled about a million possible scenarios in the remaining matches of the 2018 World Cup and predicted pentacamp victory in the final against the Croatian national team.

The Brazilian national team has a 24.9% chance of winning the world championship. His closest pursuers were the French team, whose odds of artificial intelligence were estimated at 15.8. However, due to tournament grid characteristics, the Brazilians will face the Croatians who will beat the England team in the semifinals.

Goldman Sachs had predicted the triumph of the World Cup: according to the latest study mundialya was supposed to bring together teams from Germany and Brazil.

Even before the start of the World Cup, a group of German scientists was also trying to predict the winner of the international football tournament. According to their badysis, the national team of Spain had the greatest chance of winning the 2018 World Cup, followed by Germany in the wake of the Red Fury. Third place was given to the Brazilians.

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