The document notes that on December 12, 2017, the US Congress pbaded a National Defense Competence Act for fiscal year 2018, which introduces significant changes in the order of government procurement of the Department of Defense. Russia belongs to the countries targeted by the ban in question. The limitations will not apply to start-up companies until 31 December 2022. However, given the production schedule
In 2018, the NGO, says the document, 20.6 billion rubles.More than 4 billion rubles will be implemented investment programs and will continue to implement a program to reduce costs and improve efficiency In 2018, the company plans to provide customers with three types of powertrain: 11 RD-180 engines, two RD-191 engines and six RD-191 engines. 181. It is planned to carry out 28 tests
The document notes that Energomash is an "exporter of high-tech and science-intensive products, a significant portion of which is denominated in US dollars and a large part of the costs s in rubles. "
Igor Arbuzov, CEO of Energomash, acknowledged the heavy financial dependence on US orders
The RD-180 and RD-181 liquid propellant engines were developed and manufactured in the interest of American customers by the Russian Energomash. The first power unit is installed on the Atlas 5 rocket, the second – on the Antares transporter.
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