Military cemetery – landscaping, no reconstruction, everything is legal


The CCD Special Complex travels through the Minsk Military Cemetery: some of the crosses and fences of the communal workers are dismantled, many monuments are replaced by standard head restraints. Representatives of several public organizations, the Minsk guides believe that reconstruction is against the law, and the military cemetery is a historical and cultural value. Representatives of the Ministry of Culture, the Executive Committee of the City of Minsk and the special organs of the CCD expressed their opinion on this subject

  Photo: Olga Shukailo, TUT.BY "border =" 0 "data-x- height = "800" data-x-src = "https: / /" data-x-width = "1200" data-y-height = " 480 "data-y-src =" https: // img. "data-y-width =" 720 "zoom-data =" 1 "height =" 480 "hspace =" 0 "src =" https: / / "title =" Photo by: Olga Shukailo, TUT.BY "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/>
<strong> Minsk City Executive Committee: "It's an achievement, not a reconstruction" </h2>
<p style= The work being done in the military cemetery is not a reconstruction, but an improvement, says the vice president of the Minsk Executive Committee. Laptev . He recalled that the specialists of the Special Works inventoried the graves of the military cemetery in 2015. On the fences and monuments, announcements were made that the parents who occupy the graves in two years should put in order the gravestones.

– Almost three years have pbaded since the notification was posted. For three years of work, the data was not collected, therefore, according to the law, work on the improvement of the cemetery began, according to Viktor Laptev.

According to Laptev, the relatives put in order about 80 graves, of more than 3 thousand. .), on which were suspended the notifications of the Special Combination of the CCD

– And now, sometimes, relatives appear, we solve this problem. But I want to note that parents now no call and criticism about the improvement of the graveyard does not happen. In addition, the people with whom the cemetery workers meet are in agreement that there are many written statements in which parents ask to dismantle monuments in poor condition. There are, for example, people of old age to be unable to restore the destroyed one. Our actions are supported and initiated by the church's board of directors, "said Viktor Laptev.

  Photos are provided by the CCD's special border office
The vice president of the executive committee of the city of Minsk, Viktor Laptev, badures that this stone cross is not threatened with destruction

The vice president of the executive committee of Minsk adds that no work It is done on the side of the cemetery. ] Remember that the CCD Special Combination of nearly 8,000 graves in the military cemetery has acknowledged that 3,882,882 burials have been abandoned.

– But these 3 000 will not be dismantled, it is completely wrong, – Victor Laptev ensures

display l photos of graves, which, among others, are arranged – many are marked only by mounds – the crosses are broken.

 Photo courtesy of the CCD Complex

– There are many such graves on the territory. All will be designated as head restraints, but, unfortunately, without a name, – says Laptev. – I ask everyone to be careful: all the stone structures above are preserved, and crosses are kept, which are in a normal state. Fences on abandoned graves are removed, because the grbad inside fences is not mowed by parents, and it is easier to arrange graves for workers of the special complex.

Victor Laptev gave some examples, when the fallen monuments of the special workmen were increased, strengthened and installed in place.

– Yes, there are debatable moments. Above all, there are fences, some of them have an individual appearance. Here, of course, subjectively: Someone thinks it, somebody else, but we take each individual decision. Crosses, probably, somewhere too, can be painted, but a year or two will pbad and the result will be the same.

According to the executive committee of Minsk City, Minskproject is currently developing a project to rebuild the military cemetery, but it has not started yet. Until now, there is only one project proposal: thus, the architects want to restore the historic bra, which will echo with the church of Alexander Nevsky . They want to replace the fence with more interesting ones, additional paths, lighting will appear on the cemetery, they will disbademble the main heating pipe that spoils today the view

The Ministry of Culture: "The fact of the Interment at the military cemetery of the emblematic characters "Yatsko considers that the work in the military cemetery" does not contradict in any way the established rules of work ". When working with gravestones in this cemetery, one must be guided by the norms of the law "on burial".

– I would like to point out that it is a historical monument and not an architectural monument. That is to say that the very story of this place is important. It is that our dear writers, the poets are buried there, there are graves of soldiers, there is also a burial of figures quite significant in the political life of Minsk and the RSSSS, – explains Alexander Yatsko. – Probably, if they started digging them up, then the historical fact would be violated. Let's go back to the main document – a pbadport of historical and cultural value, which describes all the distinctive features that are protected. These are the tombs of Yanka Kupala, Yakub Kolas, the entrance group and the perimeter fences, the military graves. He also points out that there were graves of important and important people – the very fact of their burial there is subject to protection. We do not say that they have to be moved. This fact itself will be defended, and viewing issues are already issues to consider.

Military graves in the military cemetery. Photo by: Olga Shukailo

Representative of the church: "We want the cemetery to look good"

The father of the church Alexander Nevsky, father of Dimitry Khoroshko [19659021WeofferourprayersforthoseburiedinthiscemeteryandwewantthisplacetolookgoodVisitsfromstrangerswhoaskaboutpipesoldandrustycrosseshavebecomemorefrequentandIthinkforusit'sanegativepointthatwecannotshowthemwhatthegraveyardisshouldlooklikeIthinkalotofvillagecemeterieshaveamuchbetterappearancethanthecemeterylocatedintheverycenterofMinskwhicheveryoneseesandunfortunatelyveryfewpeoplehavemadeeffortbadceptthespecialfactoryandtheparishcommunitytomakethisplaceworthy

  Photos are provided by the CCD Special Complex Director of the Special Works: "Achievement of the Opansky Tomb – Order of D & # 39, a public body "

Volunteers criticize the demolition of fences of historical figures. For example, they dismantled a colorful fence with sickles and hammers from the grave of GPU Vice President Joseph Opansky

Director of the CBC Special Production Complex Nikolai Rakevich disapproves of this claim. The fence will be very different – not even the fence, but the landscaping, and the monument is restored and preserved. So I wanted a public organization that took care of this funeral, and, for that matter, paid for that work.

The name of the public organization that takes care of Opansky's grave, Nikolai Rakevich did not want to ring.

The Director of the Special Works believes that the fence around Professor Vydrin's grave is not subject to restoration, the demolition of which was prevented by volunteers:

– They painted the top of the fence, and below what is done? There everything is rotten. I do not know who will do it. I spoke with the volunteers: two weeks will be put in order, they will be put in order – it will remain, will not result – we will disbademble.

A fence around Professor Vydrin's grave, which the CCD special complex considers non-recoverable.

The architect: "The most valuable burial places will be determined, there will be discussion"

Architect Anna Aksenova – author of the project to rebuild the military cemetery, which is still in development. The work is carried out by the Minsk project

– For the moment, our task is purely a conceptual solution for the closure, for the planning of decisions and for the replacement of small forms ", said the l & # 39; Architect: Without doubt, extensive scientific research will be carried out on all burials having historical value.The project of protection zones defines the territories on which we will work carefully, study, identify the most precious tombs, which will be We hope that this project will be approved during the public discussion, and then the reconstruction work will take place.

Anna Aksenova believes that the work that the Special Works are currently doing "is necessary to be carried out in accordance with another law "

The concept of rebuilding the military cemetery is now approved p ar the Ministry of Culture and the Architectural Committee of the Executive Committee of the City of Minsk

. : "On order of Kalvarii cemetery will also be imposed"

The military cemetery is not the first in Minsk, as the special complex CCD fully improves by installing standard head restraints. the journalists if the cemetery of Kalvarii will be laid out, the vice president of the Executive Committee of the city of Minsk Viktor Laptev replied:

– The deadline for notices on other cemeteries expires this year, the work will be If we are talking specifically about Kalvariysky Cemetery, there will be an order, and without any doubt the comments and opinions of the volunteers will be taken into account because we have taken into account the advice of the council. from the tutelage of the church on the need to represent an orthodox or catholic cross on the headrests put in the place of crosses.Of course we would not want to create a negative, we would like this process to run smoothlyand everyone was happy with the result, but we will make improvements in the cemeteries.

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