shops – garbage, on Komarovka – high temperature


The Chief Sanitary Inspector of Minsk drew attention to the fact that violations in the capital around every tenth retail site due to debris. There are also questions about the temperature in the Komarovsky indoor market. According to Nelly Ginduk Chief Medical Officer of the State of Minsk the main violations include the absence or unsatisfactory state of the garbage cans, their premature devastation, as well as the poor or untimely harvest of small waste around commercial facilities in their own territory and badigned territories.

– In accordance with the new edition of the Minsk Improvement and Maintenance Rules, effective June 19, 2018, garbage cans should be installed near every sales establishment, business and organization.

"The stop becomes a landfill." Why garbage debris appears on the outskirts of the subway in the evening

The Chief Medical Officer of Health of the capital also pointed out that commercial objects should pay more attention to the fact. condition of stairs leading to shops, facades and ramps

The special control during the summer period is the respect of the rules of sale and storage of products in small outlets and in the financial markets. 86% of health inspections controlled by public bodies revealed violations. Most of these are due to the lack of production control and the necessary professional training of the employees of these commercial facilities. In addition, violations of product storage temperature regimes, storage conditions that prevent product contamination and the sale of products whose shelf life has expired have been detected.

Chief Medical Officer of Health stopped at Komarovsky Market. Ginduk believes that during the reconstruction of the covered part of the market, it is necessary to provide for the creation of a ventilation system by flow and exhaust

– Now, in hot weather, the indoor temperature is uncomfortable both for sellers only for buyers. Due to the heat in the indoor part of the market, it is not always possible to withstand the necessary temperature conditions in refrigerators.

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