FAS found no reason to reduce gasoline prices in the retail trade after the value of the exchange


"I do not think that there are any prerequisites for this (reduction of gasoline prices in the retail trade after the decline of its course – IF), since we are already entering in a strong seasonal demand for fuel – an active harvest period begins.Also, while the unpredictable behavior of world oil prices.In this case, it is more important to ensure a stable situation in the retail business. That's what we've managed to do now, "he said

. As a result of the measures taken, the internal market for fuels is saturated. As a result, petroleum product prices have returned to the state of equilibrium and the situation has ceased to be tense.

Anatoly Golomolzin

deputy director of FAS

As noted, in the context of nonstop prices for petroleum products on the stock exchange and in the retail trade, the government has decided to reduce excise duties since mid-February . for gasoline for three thousand rubles of one ton and for diesel fuel for two thousand rubles a ton of current rates. It was also decided to abandon the planned increase in excise taxes of 700 rubles, as provided for in the budget of the Russian Federation as of 1 July 2018.

Exchange Rates stabilized during the second half of May. The growth of world oil prices, the weakening of the ruble, the increase of excise taxes on petroleum products, the refinery's spring repairs, the active period of agricultural work and the demand seasonal fuel in the spring and summer.

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