The repair schedule for Turgenev Street in Krasnodar will be extended due to heavy rains


The repair course of Turgenev street was discussed in the administration of Krasnodar

– We will not drive time at the expense of quality. It's a busy road, and everything needs to be done with a guarantee for years to come, "said the mayor.

The head of Krasnodar, for example, drove Novorossiyskaya Street, which was postponed for four months. are supported, and today there is no complaint about the quality of the road.

According to the director of the Department of Transport and Road Management Vladimir Arhipov, the large amounts of precipitation that fell during the last two weeks have led to waterlogging. Under these conditions, he says, it is impossible to continue to form the foundations of the future pavement asphalt.

Work continues on the site of Turgenev, from the North to the Artillery, through the dismantling of old lighting systems. communication networks, laying pavers, geogrid laying, the book entrepreneur gravel-sand mix. There is also work on the repositioning of communications at the crossroads of North and Turgenev, the press service of the town hall reports . [ad_2]
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