A strong aggression is always a place. Damir Ryspayev spoke about new challenges in Barys – KHL News – Hockey


Now the Capital Club is preparing for the President's Cup, which will begin on August 9th. Ryspaev, aged 23, plays defense, while he was already attempted in attack

– Damir, did you find your position on the ice? Now are you the defender? Even the KHL website did not know where Damir Ryspaev was playing

– These misunderstandings were, yes. I was asked who I was, but I was still a defender. And I will be the defender – the defender of my team. M & # 39; s judged as an attacker. Or force forward. We tried and … He did not score a goal, returned to the defense. In protection, it turns out. And I score goals. It's my own role.

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– And the mood before the new season?

– The atmosphere is excellent. A good mood for the season. Great tasks and dreams. For a long time, there was no hockey – they were resting for two months. With desire and burning eyes go to the season.

– You are already 23 years old. You are not the first season in the league, but what are the three priorities that you put before you in the 11th season of the KHL?

– I do not have any restrictions – it's only me. There are opportunities and everything opens up. It all depends on me – how will I manifest on the ice? I will show my game skills. First of all, I need a player and a defender. The strength and quality of the tuff, they are not in the first place now. It's something for which I am loved and known.

My main priorities are to break into the composition and take my place. I have been going there for many years and it is time to settle down normally. Always be in the cage. Secondly, you must show your result. Do not play micromachines in the defender's position. Third, you must earn points and show your performance in favor of the team.

– During the test match from the stands, it was easy to hear how the players were talking on the ice. Above all, the critics of the goalkeepers can be well heard …

– It's always like that. In any team, hockey players talk on the ice. There is a need to engage partners – this has always been and will be the case. Yes, with empty stands, the acoustics are better and the audibility is much higher. Maybe, a lot for you was the first time. (laughs) We speak, we swear, and we communicate. Everything is on the ice.

– In previous seasons, when you were aggressive, you immediately had conflicts … Maybe you were too hot. But now, when priorities have changed, can you say that you have become cooler?

– There was no problem. In my restraint or emotionality. I always control my emotions and always answer for them. But the aggression has always been and it is – is hockey. Hard sport. Sport for men. He was always in touch and in conflict.

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– But then you were younger and the function was different … Your body architecture allows you to destroy an opponent without using the fists and in the rules.

– Yes, I understood … The psychological pressure on the enemy will always be. The aggression will always be. There is not such a defender who, in his "penny" would behave calmly and not push his rivals. Such people do not play hockey. Remember, almost two years ago, the Kazakh player Damir Ryspaev was subjected to a perpetual sports disqualification for unsportsmanlike behavior and lost the opportunity to speak not only for Barys, but also for the team national. At the end of last year, the player was reinstated and signed a contract with the metropolitan team.

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