About 20 thousand people celebrated the day of Russian boxing on Manege Square – Boxing News


The feast is celebrated in Russia on July 22nd. This date was set in 2017. In a welcome telegram to participants and guests of Russian Boxing Day, Russian President Vladimir Putin stressed the importance of the event for the preparation of national boxers for the 2020 Olympic Games, to be held in Tokyo. Putin also added that these sporting events "have become a good tradition and a required initiative that unites people across the country."

Record for the number of participants in the training

The Secretary General of the Russian Boxing Federation Umar Kremlev the Council of the organization Alexei Rubezhnoy, the head of the International Boxing Federation, Daryl Piples, l & Wife of Mohammed Ali Yolanda Williams, as well as veterans of boxing and members of the Russian national team. They laid a wreath and flowers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

At that time, visitors had already begun to occupy Manezhnaya Square. For them, a lot of activities have been prepared – a boxing museum with exclusive and rare exhibitions, a TRP site, attractions for kids with boxing equipment, contests and quizzes with prizes. Hungry could be filled with cooked food in the country kitchen.

Meanwhile, about five thousand people participated in an open boxing training session around the scene. This figure will enter the Guinness Book of Records as the most mbadive boxing event. The famous Russian fighters Oleg Saitov, Alexey Tishchenko and Sofya Ochigava gave the master clbad .

Russian Sports Minister Pavel Kolobkov, speaking with a welcome speech, pointed out that he was hotly referring to this sport and its representatives. . "I have a very good attitude to boxing, with my boxing friends having the closest relationship.We have played several times at the same competitions, so I've had a lot of fun. have a lot of respect for boxers and I love boxing, "he said.

"Such events promote the development of boxing.I would like to thank my Russian colleagues, especially the Secretary General of the Federation, Umar Kremlev, for the opportunity to develop boxing. already looking forward to Boxing Day next year, "said Piples at the ceremony.

The Russian national team beat the German team in match fights

The main event of the evening was fighting between Russian and German boxers. As part of the Russian national team, Vasily Egorov, Tamir Galanov, Shahrier Ahmedov, Albert Batyrgaziev, Pavel Fedorov, Vladislav Savostyanov, Gleb Bakshi, Georgy Kushitashvili and Ilya Kvasnikov came into the ring. They were confronted by German boxers Christopher Goman, Hamza Touba, Omar El Hag, Arthur Bryl, Vladislav Baryshnik, Paul Voll, Zelimkhan Dadaev, Achanasios Kazakiz and Nelvie Tiafak. The match ended with a score of 7: 2 in favor of the Russians.

At the end of the holidays, those who came to Manezhnaya Square attended a small concert of the famous Russian singer Polina Gagarina

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