Alexander Kokorin: I think the Croats will pass. I will try to predict the score – 1: 0 – Sports Mail.Ru


Zenit striker Alexander Kokorin made a comment before the match of the Russian national team with the Croatian team in the quarter-finals of the 2018 World Cup.

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"I watched the game Russia-Spain with my family and the company of foreigners, who finally" changed shoes "and were sick for the Russian national team. result is fair.It is clear that Russia played the defense, but Spain in general, if you take a goal for the hooks, not a single moment created.

The quarter-final? The Croatians seemed good on the game, but the Russian team has such a grid that it is possible to reach the semifinals, then the final.I think the Croatians will pbad .I will try to predicting the score – 1: 0 – quotes the words of Kokorin Zenit press service

Recall that the match of the Russian and Croatian national teams will take place on July 7 in Sochi at the stadium "Fisht "at 21.00 MSK

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