Alexander Tikhonov: For me, Dracheva does not exist anymore – Biathlon News


– Dracheva, unlike his colleagues, I did not give my hand. I told him everything I thought about his first steps as president of the FRR, "quotes Tikhonov's official website. – Aside from the shame and reproach of all the areas that develop biathlon, I have not heard anything about it lately. He noted that in preparation for the IBU Congress, complete ignorance is visible. It will be decided to rebuild the RRF in the IBU. He is delegated to Sergei Chepikov, who said that he will not speak there. We will have a delegation deaf-mute.

Drachev himself prepares a report and expresses himself competently in defense of Russian biathlon and can not get the restoration of rights. On leaving, I said that for me Dracheva does not exist anymore. I said that I would go to Congress as a delegate from another country. I would like Russia to be represented by worthy people who are able to defend our position and our rights. Already now we have to work with other countries that were ready to at least put a word for us.

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