Americans bought housing and strongly repented of this


IA Regnum reports this with reference to a study by Bank of the West.

42 percent of study participants born in 1981 and later own their own homes, 46 percent rent another property. At the same time, two-thirds of respondents regret having bought it. As the main reasons, unsatisfied property ownership is called the high cost of its maintenance. 20% of respondents said they did not know about these expenses before moving, and the same number of participants would have to spend less.

19% of respondents think that they should first accumulate more money because maintaining a mortgage is too expensive. Another 19 percent noted as a disadvantage that they do not have the ability to quickly change the space of the rental home.

The study points out that high levels of disappointment to own property are also observed in older generations of Americans. As the main reason for dissatisfaction, these owners are also called the financial side of the property.

According to a expert survey conducted in Russia, a large portion of those who bought housing in the mortgage of the country's citizens after a while regretted it. "They regret having to take out a mortgage, 22.8% of respondents.However, the reasons are different 11.7% of dissatisfied people said that the housing for which the mortgage had been issued In general, people feel discomfort by refusing something [65,9%] "notes the study.

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