At the Ministry of the Interior, RK denied information about the increase in state law for driving license


"The information disseminated by WhatsApp about the state's increased duty to issue a driver's license in exchange is not true." Tax Code, state law is 125 percent of the MCI (1 MCI = 2405 tenge) or 300 thousand 625 tenge, "- Irina spokesperson of the Police Commission Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kostereva

Earlier, in WhatsApp, unidentified people disseminated information about an increase in the amount of state right to issue a license to lead to 20 thousand tenge.

"The driver's license exchange can be done at the appropriate time.The pbadage of the medical commission is required only if the period of the UEV is over. exchange of the VU, regardless of whether the current VU or the expiry date has expired, the pbadage of an examination for the knowledge of the traffic rules is Not provided For all public service delivery issues, including in the area of ​​road safety, up-to-date information can be obtained by calling 1414 or official Internet resources from state agencies , "I. Lukyanin-Kostereva added. 19659004] [ad_2]
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