Attempts to save money on repair yards in Khabarovsk are strictly suppressed and on the vine


In Khabarovsk, they continue to tidy the building sites according to the program "Formation of a comfortable environment". This week, the commission, which included technical supervision specialists, tenants and employees of management companies, visited Dzerzhinsky Street No. 6 and Voroshilov Street No. 17. The inspectors saw with their own eyes how the construction work continues and the contractors remind them that it will not be their only visit to the facilities.

Near Dzerzhinsky Street, workers repair the yard, weigh gravel and sift the turntable. Builders must finish work on August 8th. While business is hampered by the rain, but as soon as the weather will immediately begin to pile up the asphalt. These works were allocated a million 200 thousand rubles.

– The tenants of this house were very proactive. They seriously tidied the local territory and invested 350,000 of their own funds. With this money, they repaired the sidewalks and parking, ordered benches. The owners also change the equipment of the elevator in one of the entrances. He took a million 700 thousand rubles, money was taken from the fund of the Khabarovsk territory for the repair of the capital, – said Sergey Kravchuk, the acting mayor of the city. for the construction of a gambling city.

In the yard of house number 17 on Voroshilov Street are already completed. In general, the improvement cost a million 700 million budget money. About 200 thousand rubles for the repair of the car park were made by the tenants themselves.

– During the inspection, the commission was convinced that the standards were respected. To do this, the workers cut a road surface and took action in front of everyone. The hard control will be constant. If there is a wedding, the entrepreneur will have to redo everything, on what has saved, "said Elena Boyko, commission member and technical supervision engineer

In the near future, a court recreation should appear in the yard. Its installation will cost 800 thousand rubles. Of these, more than 450 thousand are the funds of a municipal grant and just over 300 thousand are the own means of tenants.

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