Belgium has given the country free TVs – Sports Mail.Ru


A large Belgian electronic goods network launched an action before the 2018 World Cup: promised to reimburse the cost of each TV sold if the Belgian national team scored more than 15 goals in the tournament.


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This action became widely known after Dris Mertens, striker of the Belgians, spoke at a press conference: "My friends bought a TV, I keep it in my mind and I want to mark it. more balls possible to give them free TV. "

– Unfortunately, our Devils did not arrive in the final … But we are sure that Saturday they will be full of strength and desire, to take the bronze and score the 2 goals needed! – A Twitter message to the Belgian company that played against France in the semifinals of the World Cup (0: 1).

Before the game for third place against England, Roberto Martinez's team had to score two goals. Goal defender Tom Meunier in the 4th minute of the match was for Belgium 15th, the Eden Azar ball 82 to 16.

The exact number of televisions sold is unknown, but judging by the posts of fans in the social networks, that a large number of people took part in the action – and now they will all receive 100% compensation. (Egor BYCHKOV)

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Left the game
Started the game
Yellow card
Red card
Second yellow card
Team captain
The aim of the penalty spot
The penalty not realized
Shot of the penalty: penalty realized
Set of penalties: penalty not realized

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