Best World of History – Sports Mail.Ru


Mundial for People

The FIFA World Cup has certainly become the most spectacular event of the summer in the world. What can be said of Russia, which hosted for the first time a competition of this magnitude?

One can of course argue here because we often have big leagues in different sports, and four years ago in Sochi the event of scale in the sport does not exist.

Still, the Olympics are also losing to mundane football. Whatever the case may be, it was an event that took place exclusively in the agglomeration of Sochi and for two weeks, and not for a full month like the 2018 World Cup.

Mundial pbaded in eleven cities, which made it much more involved in Russian holidays, rather than OI-2014. But it's not just that.

The atmosphere of the Olympic Games and the World Cup is different. The Sochi Games were held at an excellent level, but it was quite strictly regulated, it is possible to say the tournament system.

The International Football Federation (FIFA), of course, holds its main tournament structured and clear, but the essence is slightly different. 19659003] Olympic Games – holidays mainly for athletes. They live in the Olympic Village and enjoy the atmosphere, and fans go to competitions and worry about the result.

World Football is just an event for the public. Maybe FIFA has not set such a goal as a priority, but it has managed to make a fantastic tournament for ordinary people.

A Month of Positive

What we mainly looked from outside – through television screens, news portals and various "live magazines" – visited us.

It was a really incredible month. A month when fans from around the world representing such different cultures filled Russian cities and presented an incredibly positive atmosphere.

The atmosphere, to which the Russians responded with pleasure, we experienced almost no excesses, but we savored what was going on. , like the air after a few minutes spent under the water.

A Russian in the eyes of a stranger is not always drunk with a balalaika and a bear on a leash. Most often, it's just dark, tortured by life, always in a hurry, without knowing why, the subject. (19659003) We do not have enough positive emotions in everyday life, and that is why this has been especially valuable from mid-June to mid-July.

There was no pretense. We have just come out, we have seen crazy Latinos, relaxed Europeans or Africans and we have smiled with them.

National Team Holiday

At the Olympic Games, we generally encourage Russia and the rest of the world. We study the medal with zeal, we look forward to each of our awards and look at the prices of Americans, for example.

In football, we did not expect anything good from our national team and we were preparing to take advantage of the process. It is not for nothing that the old Hochma walked before the tournament:

– For whom will you be sick at the World Championships?
– For Russia
– And then?

But our national team becomes the incarnation of the whole country. Before the tournament, the reasons for optimism Stanislav Cherchesov and his team almost did not give, and at the World Championships gave a fairy tale.

The 2018 World Cup would be in any case atmospheric and wonderful, but the success of the Russian national team made it even better and more interesting for us, gave full meaning and its fullness.

They stood like a wall with Sergei Ignashevich, took off air with Ilya Kutepov, tirelessly plowed with Mario Fernandez, worked on the Roman Zobnin with wear and tear. have not forgotten to create with Alexander Golovin, plant beautiful goals at Denis Cheryshev and burn for Artem Dzyuba. 19659003] We greeted with Cherchesov and finally were united. For all this, the players, their coaches and all those involved in the Russian national team simply need to say thank you.

The Hangover

And that's it. The football battles are dead. Exuberant Emmanuelle Macron, sad Luke Modric, feeling the Moscow sky and feeling the crisis, the goddess in the locker room of the French team sparkles and under the jet of champagne …

The endless Peruvians, capturing all Russia, are cleansed by the drunken Japanese and not at all british hamovatye …

The atmosphere of the feast, the oppressed Nikolskaya, the festival Vorobyovy Gory fan zone in non matches greeted from Krasnodar, and even that gnat Volgograd cursed … Where is all this going? 9659003] The World Cup was, rustled, thundered, pbaded and everything came out. It was only gradually emotions and news of fuzzy porches to stadiums and the impossibility for Russian teams to find money to rent the world championship arenas. ..

Or is not it? The World Cup is not a way to solve the country's problems. But the opportunity to see the right way.

During this month, the world looked at Russia differently, finally looked at it not only intensely, but also was really attentive and surprised.

But we too, usually so isolated and so frowned, also looked at the world. For the world that was a patchwork of Russia this month, unusual, but it turned out, no stranger at all.

The World Cup is a story about the fact that not everything is lost, that the world will save beauty and love. . Only it is necessary to be able to learn lessons.

The 2018 World Cup is not for nothing the best of history by many official and not really people, including FIFA President Gianni Infantino. Most likely, this year's world football is usually the best thing that has happened in the history of Russia after the collapse of the Union.

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