Budget workers want to raise wages to "normal". Who already receives more than 1200 rubles


The government promises budget employees to increase their salaries by the end of the year. It is expected that the duty rate will be increased and "other mechanisms for wage growth will be used". FINANCE.TUT.BY reviewed the current salary of employees of budget organizations.

  Photo: Alexander Chuguev "border =" 0 "data -x-height =" 851 "data-x-src =" https://img.tyt.by/n/regiony/08/a/101116_alexander_chuguev_vechernie_klbady_v_sredney_shkole_4_dsc_4344.jpg "data-x-width =" 1200 "data-y-height =" 510 "data-y-src =" https://img.tyt.by/720x720s/n/regiony/08/a/101116_alexander_chuguev_vechernie_klbady_v_sredney_shkole_4_dsc_4344.jpg " data-y-width = "720" data-zoom = "1" height = "511" hspace = "0" src = "https://img.tyt.by/720x720s/n/regiony/08/a/101116_alexander_chuguev_vechernie_klbady_v_sredney_shkole_4_dsc_4344 .jpg "title =" Photo: Alexander Chuguev "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/>

<figcaption> The picture is illustrative. Photo: Alexander Chuguev, TUT.BY </figcaption></figure>
<p>  In June in the budget organizations, the average salary, according to the Belstat, rose to 752 rubles. It is 17.1 rubles, 2.3% more than a month ago </p>
<p>  At the same time, real wages, calculated with the adjustment of inflation, increased 1.9% in May 1965 </p>
<p>. <strong> health care </strong> last month, on average, received 774 rubles: doctors – 1203 rubles, and the average medical staff – 766 rubles. The real wages of these specialists for June compared to May increased by 5.1% and 5.2% respectively. </p>
<p>  Caregivers in Specialized Institutions <br />
and the provision of social services, earn 548 rubles. </p>
<p>  Recall that by 2025 the salaries of physicians, as required by the president, should be increased by 2 times. The first stage of the increase is scheduled for this year. </p>
<p>  In <strong> education </strong> the average earnings of June amounted to 657 rubles. Teachers received 766 rubles, and teaching staff – 1350 rubles. </p>
<p>  The average salary in Belarus in June was 953.7 rubles. On February 16, Alexander Lukashenko </strong> during a working visit to Slutsk District <strong> said, about the salaries of state employees and workers in various sectors, that "the people have to pay a normal wage. " but you have to make money – there are no questions. "In the coming years, teachers' salaries at the request of the president should increase by 2 times and" payers of gardeners and young professionals are gradually raised. "</p>
<p>  The Minister of Labor and Social Protection <strong> Irina Kostevich </strong> the fiscal sphere in 2018 with conservative and optimistic forecasts </p>
<p>  "In 2018 too, there is a growth of wages in the budgetary sphere. It is expected to come out on average with a conservative scenario of 700 rubles. If, of course, the economy ensures adequate growth, I think we can provide an average of 760 rubles in the budget sphere, "said Irina Kostevich. </p>
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