By the end of the year, 6000 jobs will be created in the south of the country


This was announced by the Minister of Economy and Infrastructure, Kiril Gaburich, who was on a working visit. He visited several local factories. The first was the company for the production of a construction net in the free economic zone of Vulcanesti

The director of the economic zone says that the amount of taxes he pays equals the half of the city budget. And thanks to the investments, the contributions will increase considerably.

Then the minister visited the free economic zone of Taraclia. He resumed work in 2016, with a total investment of up to $ 18 million. In this area, the only factory in the country producing porcelain tiles works.

"Now 150 people are working in the factory.They are all residents of Taraclia and neighboring villages."

Kirill Gaburici noted that the development of free economic zones in the south of the country will continue. 39 next year

"In 2018, we will invest another $ 65 million Six thousand jobs will be created."

There are three free economic zones in the south of the country. Until now, they have invested 50 million dollars. More than a thousand jobs have been created.

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