China will finance the construction of a special center for the Ministry of the Interior of Uzbekistan


TASHKENT, July 8 – Sputnik. The Academy of the Interior Ministry of Uzbekistan builds a special center for simulation and modeling, reports the correspondent of

This was announced after the visit of the Uzbek delegation in China led by the Minister of the Interior of Uzbekistan Pulat Bobozhonov

"The construction of the center is financed by China to the tune of 22 million dollars.This center will be equipped with the same modern technologies than those available at the Beijing Police University.The simulation center is expected to become the only educational institution in Central Asia to train professional cadres for law enforcement agencies ", added the Ministry of the Interior. Their advantage is the great sweeping speed of people, even in a wide current, the ability to identify people who have weapons or explosive devices on their bodies.

among those entering the building, identify those who have already committed a crime or are wanted.

Visitors to Uzbekistan were presented with devices that allow without human intervention to check the bottom of the car at the entrance of the hotel and specially protected objects, and if there is a danger that automatically warn about it.

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