Croatia took the final away from England – Sports Mail.Ru



Nikolskaya Street became similar to the one that was in June. The day before, it was worth strolling here, seeing the cold emptiness and remembering the coolness of Mexicans, Brazilians, Colombians and everyone else with tears in their eyes.

Wednesday, thanks to the British and the Croats, football and festive atmosphere . If the Balkan guests in Russia and so it was a lot, the British became much more than in the previous games. Including the quarterfinals with Sweden, which was held in Samara. The guests, initially frightened by the homeland of football still manage to settle the organizational formalities and find a way to support their favorite team at a historic moment – as it should, in a dignified number.

. The colors of both teams are similar – red and white, fans of both sides mixed in a crowd and danced together without fear. There was not a single skirmish or even a resemblance of the conflict here. Maximum – stinging songs against each other.

– England, England, sorry for tonight! (England, sorry for tonight!) – The Croats sang.

– Football is coming home! (Football is coming home!) – even more loudly voiced by the British, then began to dedicate personal songs to almost every idol. Defender Maguire, striker Kane, head coach Gareth Southgate … The ordinary inhabitants of Moscow, who were in the subway at night, were delighted and videotaped the entire choir on video.

Something, the best in the world


The Croats were also trying to be noisy, but it was frankly difficult to compete with their rival. "The mood in the Luzhniki stadium is like at Wembley! – exactly noticed a foreign colleague in the social network during the divine performance of the anthem by the British. Even then, it became clear that the majority of the stadium encouraged the "Three Lions." And after the great goal of Trippierre early in the game, this impression only confirmed.The absolute majority jumped from their seats

The only thing that the Croats have immediately been better, it is to thank [pays hôte] for the reception.In the afternoon, first on the Triumfalnaya Square, then near the fans of the red Balkans showed a big banner "Thanks, Russia!" Before the starting whistle, they laid her on the podium behind the door.Maybe, including this action, they wanted to apologize for the lyrics the defender of the case, who did business with Vukojevic. [19659003] But that did not help much. Against the Croatian national team, the Russian side of the "Luzhniki", of course, had absolutely nothing. And Vida did not pay attention to the beginning. This is not excluded, the fans have simply understood who is who. Or it was in the too abrupt singing of the English, in which all the other sounds were drowned.

But by the end of the first half, the hissing and indignant roar was still ringing in the arena as soon as Vida started to touch the ball. The inevitable happened, the well-deserved reward found his "hero".


The English in the first half were steeper not only in the pits, but also in the field. The match in general started in a hurricane regime – not yet had the time to sit down and tune in as the British got the most dangerous penalty. His culprit was the intelligent Modric, who dragged on his team shoulders not very powerful in previous matches. And here he did not have time for Alli to jerk off and hit him in the leg.

Someone thought that the mighty Kane bomber would go, but the right-back Trippier went straight to the point and executed the "standard" that after his shots went ahead, Subashic could hardly have pulled the ball even with a shovel in his hands. Then, before the break, there were still some good times with Kane and Allie.

There was not much time left in Croatia. She looked slow, carefree, chaotic. Like all the forces that remained in Sochi in the battle against Russia. But how were these badumptions misleading?


After the break, Zlatko Dalich's team awoke and finally began to attack. Or, which will also be a fair statement, the English have deteriorated, which already can not stand every 90 minutes at a steady pace. Even against the Swedes, they arranged an easy dispute and could miss.

Everything led to the fact that Perisic first responded to the Vrsalko canopy on the right, jumped because of the defenders' backs and scored in a nice jump. After a few minutes, he also shook the bar with a penalty stroke without interference! Then he beat Manjukic from a dangerous position, made a mistake at the exit and gave Pickford a chance … The British at that moment fell completely and forgot how to play football

AND ALL-TAKI NOT PENALTY! sank in extra time – for the third time in the playoffs for the Croatians. For three games, they beat 90 minutes. That's – an entire match. At the same time only Dalich started making replacements. His players were fantastic from somewhere were forces.

These forces were not even enough to bring the match for the third time in a penalty shoot-out. In the beginning, the Croats were saved after a powerful blow from Stones' head, then they scored themselves. The hero of the nation was Mandzhukić, who led the ball into the far corner after the transfer of the best football player of the Perisic match. England once again failed in the defense and, despite a confident match in the first 45 minutes, naturally remained without a final.

Football will not go home.

Mikhail GONCHAROV of Loujniki

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