Croatian coach stressed the French on their African descent – Sports Mail.Ru


The former coach of the Croatian national team, Igor Shtimats, noted that a number of immigrants from African countries play in the French national team. He wrote about it in his Facebook account

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"Does anyone know who we are playing in the final? Cambodia – DR Congo, Dembele – Mauritania, Sidibe – Mali, Umtiti – Cameroon, Pogba – Guinea, Tolisso – Togo, Matyudi – Angola, Cante – Mali, Nzonzi – DR Congo, M & Bappa – Cameroon, Mendy – Senegal, Mandanda – DR Congo, Fekir – Algeria Respect! "- writes Shtimats.

The France team will play in the final of the world championship against the Croatian team. The match will take place at the Luzhniki stadium on July 15 and start at 18 hours, Moscow time

Shtimats, 50, led the Croatian national team from 2012 to 2013. As a player, he played 53 matches in the national team. With Croatia, Shtimats became the 1998 World Cup bronze medalist, held in France. Then the future French champions beat the Croatians in the semifinal 2: 1. The two goals of the French national team were marked by the native of Guadeloupe, Lilian Thuram.

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