Croatian fan criticized Western propaganda on the World Cup – Sports Mail.Ru


Western media attempts to discourage football fans from traveling to the World Cup in Russia are part of the propaganda, said Marco, a RT fan of the Croatian national team


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According to the man, he was afraid to go to the World because "intimidated" some media, but the tournament exceeded all his expectations.

"The headlines of Western publications are propaganda, separating people from each other, but football is the best thing that can unite them," said Marco.

According to him, the Russians are the best on the planet and the 2018 World Cup is incomparable at all previous international tournaments.

"I have experienced something absolutely brilliant, beautiful," says the Croatian fan

Before the opening of the World Cup, some Western media published a series of documents provocative on the future world and the behavior of Russians during sporting events. For example, in April, The Sun reported an alleged attack on English fans by Russian and Argentinian fans.

However, after the tournament began, foreign media representatives changed their rhetoric. The independent newspaper reported that in the British police they identified as unfounded fears about the possibility of fighting between English fans coming to the World Cup and the "Russian thugs". The Guardian wrote that fans who visited the World Cup in Russia will come back with great memories and a new vision of the country.

According to estimates by the Russian Foreign Ministry, more than two million fans have come to the world championship. and press Ctrl + Enter


Leaving the game
Started the game
Yellow card
Red card
Second yellow card
Team captain
Own goal
Goal of the penalty spot
Penalty not realized
Penalty Shot: Penalty achieved
Penalty: Penalty not realized

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