Croatian football players are ready to play 120 minutes in the final of the 2018 World Cup – Sports Mail.Ru


MOSCOW, July 12. / TASS /. The Croatian national football team plays better after its own success and is ready to stay on the pitch in the World Cup final, even 120 minutes. The defender of the Croatian team Vedran Corluka told the journalists


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The Croatian team beat England 2-1 in overtime on Wednesday. The Croats reached the final of the World Cup, where on July 15 they will play in the "Luzhniki" of Moscow with the French. Previously, the Croatian national team in the playoffs 2018 World Cup in the shootout series overcame the Denmark team (3: 2, main time and overtime – 1 : 1) and Russia (4: 3, main and overtime – 2: "2).

" Before the World Cup in us no one believed, but now we are in the final, it's crazy. We had a good preparation, our successes give us the energy needed to continue even better than before. Even if you have to play another 120 minutes in the final, we will do it without problem, "said Corlouca

The defender, at the club level, will represent the Moscow Lokomotiv, if he plays in the final of the Cup Premier League (RFPL), which was successful. "I did not know it, but suddenly I will sit all the game on the bench," said Chorluk with a smile. never what the coach can change, until here I can only say that the guys are good and play well, "he added.

After the Croatia – England match on the field" Luzhniki " appeared children of some players. "The children scored more, they still win," concluded Chorluka

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