CSKA Golovin footballer would be perfect for Real Madrid's game model – Sports Mail.Ru


MOSCOW, July 11th. / TASS /. The midfielder of CSKA Moscow and the Russian national football team Alexander Golovin would be perfectly suited to the "Real" Spanish. Such an opinion of TASS was voiced by the former defender of the Spanish national team and the Madrid club Michel Salgado.

Golovin scored a goal at the World Championship in Russia

"The Russian team has been beautifully illustrated at the World Cup.The fact that it has reached the quarter-finals is truly a great success.A significant contribution to this success was made by Alexander Golovin, who is a young and very talented football player, "said Salgado. – Already now he can play successfully in all European clubs of high level and, in my opinion, would be ideally suited to the game model of Madrid "Real".

"Everything is in front of him." Alexander is a very talented player, and I'm sure he'll have a very good career and a bright future, "added the TASS interlocutor

Golovin is in favor of CSKA Moscow since 2012. His debut for the main team took place on 4 September 2014 in the 1/16 final match of the Russian Cup against the "chemist" Dzerzhinsky. In the championship of Russia, the midfielder made his debut on March 14, 2015, replacing the 72nd minute of the match against Mordovia. In the last season of Russian football Premier League Golovin played 27 games, scored five goals and made three badists.

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