Cup – not super – Premier League News – Football


Source: Sport-Express

These matches are, of course, bad publicity for our football. Especially after the World Cup. We will be lenient – there were also games like France and Denmark. But to orient after all is better for the good. Especially now that everything that Russian football produces is closely watched. In June-July we put ourselves in bar and are now doomed to comparison. The aboriginal championship should try very hard not to disappoint people too much.

But Friday has gone bad. Very bad.

No, there were advantages. Here they are:

1. Stadium almost completely filled – 43 thousand people. It's great if we consider the late Friday evening and the team that does not have the largest audience in Russia.

That's all, there will be more inconvenience.

1. Football is sadly sad. On this idea can be finished. In an exhibition game in essence, when you could open up and be a little more daring than usual, the teams would torture themselves as well as the spectators.

2. "Locomotive". The champion seemed heavy and tired, played unprincipled, before the break at the door Akinfeev was not at all one point. Barinov's shot at the end of the stretch with a stretch can be described as a good approach. And in the second half, little has changed. Fernandes, Farfan, Miranchuky – everything played below their capacity.

Why disappointed it was "Loco" and not CSKA.

First, the army team seemed more energetic. Second, very quickly lost Dzagoeva. Third, did you even see the composition of CSKA? The team goes to the start with Bekao, of whom we know nothing, plays in three defenders and with Nababkin in the base zone because of the injury of Dzagoev . The creative troika consists of Vitya, Efremov and Chalov sitting on their suitcases. And while the team was able to some moment to push "Loco" to their doors. Not for long, not complete, but still. And the end result is right.

CSKA does not need to delude itself. If Goncharenko does not have the composition and selection, as the competitors, the coach will build "Ufa". And try it and open it.

3. Atmosphere During the World Cup, many have reprimanded the fans too quiet and amorphous and said that without the fans all sad. On Friday, thousands of fans came to Nizhni on both sides, but neither one nor the other could ignite no one sang in the streets, instead of smiles and flags – black jerseys and complex faces. sectors all the songs were monotonous and unstable. Well done, it happened. It's bad that it was not like a holiday.

4. I wanted to first note the behavior of the fans – they say that they did not fight, they did not swear, but no. And the fact that some pieces were blamed and destroyed [[1945]] – nonsense. Even plastic bottles in CSKA players after the goal can be understood. But the fact that from the stand "Loco" in the second half frankly vyali Vitinyu, is the savagery. Someone will say that this is a form of pressure on the opponent, and no racism, but I will answer that there are many others ways to get the player out of himself – to scold, scold, sing insulting. A monkey seal around the world is considered a manifestation of racism. By 2018, people should know about it. And the presence in your team of black football players (their own support!) – a weak excuse.

5. It's the same with the organization. Everything seemed to be good (inputs / outputs, volunteers, safety) until the water was exhausted at the food outlets. It came in the middle of the game, fans in social networks were indignant – people with young children in the heat could not buy water. How could you not predict that you wanted to drink more than 30?

And it is unfortunate that football has not distracted from all of this.

When the stadium was announced in the 85th minute, it is necessary to have two more halves frankly speaking, even more dreary. An extra half hour of such football is a prospect. It would be best if the team immediately beats a penalty.

Although it is not a fact that the lottery would win CSKA Moscow. And the army team still deserves victory

CSKA is the winner. The only. But the losers are numerous and in addition to the "Locomotive".

of Nizhny Novgorod.

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