Duma deputies from Krasnodar city were dissatisfied with the work of the electricity grid companies


– All residents and businesses pay for electricity consumed. "The energy sector noted that from 1 June to 16 July this year, 147 emergency power outages occurred in Krasnodar," said the chairman of the Duma of the city, Vera Galushko. Their causes were damage to cable and air lines at transformer substations. The cause of these accidents was abnormal heat.

MPs reported an insufficient number of unsatisfactory energy engineering repair teams and call centers where citizens could receive information. In their opinion, it is necessary to rebuild many sections of power grids and substations. And this work must be constructed in such a way as to be transparent and understandable to residents – as there is no visible improvement in the power supply situation.

– Power outages in different areas of Krasnodar are a big problem for city dwellers. People sit without light in a heat of 40 degrees. And the network companies share responsibility, although they are forced to build more powerful cable lines, new nutrition centers. Companies must not eliminate this problem, but must provide complete information on this or that emergency, go to the scene, communicate with citizens, "said Yevgeny Pervichov at the Komsomolskaya Pravda-Kuban

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