Earn a million dollars! – News from the Games


Source: Sport-Express

RUSSIA – FRANCE – 3: 0 (25:22, 25:20, 25:23)

It was a historic match. Duel for the first title of the Champions League. In the final, two big teams met, who were the best in the preliminary round. Hungry to great victories the Russian team against the French in their favorite tournament: tricolor to qualify for the Olympics and only once in history won medals at the World Cup, but here is the World League – their horse. Of the last three drawings, they won in two. And in one they took the bronze. This is in the League of Nations, which came to replace the former commercial tournament, which went directly to the finals. And how they wanted to please the house is held at the football stadium in Lille. Before the departure of the "Final Six", the French said how important it is that they play fire and thus attract the attention of fans on volleyball.

The teams met in the last round of the League of Nations. Only Sergey Shlyapnikov saved the main forces in this game. The team of Laurent Tilly thanks to this brought the winning streak on Russia to four matches.

It's just all of these statistics, as practice shows, not a lot of pressure on our guys. The day before, Sergei Chliapnikov's guards beat the Brazilians for the first time in five years. So why not do the same thing with the French? Especially the victory over the powerful South Americans was the most convincing.


The main task of the game for the Russians was to prevent a powerful French attack in the person of Erwin Ngapet and Stephen Boyer. Do not go with one – pull the second. Boyer scored 31 points in the semifinal, Ngapet – 17 in a three-set match with Serbia, and Brazil that pair for two shots of 48 points. To stop them both is the most difficult task.

Something else, the French were too disconcerted to face our attack. The problem is that the danger does not come from one or two players, but practically from everyone.

The first of the final, for example, started lighting up Yegor Kluk, who immediately activated the sleeves. How has it changed this year? Previously, I had to hear that Egor is a huge talent that can not even be realized by 50 percent. But in this "Final Six" 23-year-old boot driver was unmatched. Abruptly presented, reliably accepted, attacked effectively. At the same time, he plays not only dramatically, but also very beautiful – a number of episodes involving the Russian have entered into all the highlights of the League of Nations

Kluca handed over to Dmitry Musersky. ] timeout. And then Maximilian Mikhailov, reliable as a rifle Kalashnikov badault, took his job. In the first set, he implemented eight attacks of nine!

Finally, the French joined, but the advantage gained in the midst of the party was sufficient for Russia to achieve victory without nerves


The initiative was been seized from the beginning by the Russians. During the technical time when the score was 8: 4, the French coach explained to his team the obvious things: "They have a very good unit." However, ours immediately surprised others – both have Mikhailov. And then they finished the French with the same block. 11: 4

Ngapet had only 4 productive attacks of 12 at the time, and Boye had 6 out of 12. Ate! With a score of 16: 9, it seemed like the game was in his pocket. Apparently, the same thoughts were with the team. The Russians "dropped" a number of optional balls, including a trivial pitch on the net with two hands almost from the zero angle. On it the pitch of the Roux flew – and here you are absolutely uncertain 21:20. The hosts started playing, which they were not allowed to do anyway.

France is a team that is almost impossible to establish when it takes courage. The crews start firing like homing missiles, in defense, Grebennikov fires bullets flying at the speed of light, and Ngapet sinks almost a 360-degree turn. But all this magnificent performance fades, when they are held in an iron fist and forced to constantly catch up.

Many things decided the end of Kluki's name. Egor scored such uncomfortable positions that even the French coach was amazed. 11:20 p.m.! A party point was put into service by Musersky and Ays Kovalev


The French could not surrender. In the third game, they quickly earned two ball benefits and at the very least held it at the end of the party. Ngapet was playing. The most difficult moment was when the score was 20:22. Losing another rally – and saving the whole would have barely succeeded. But the heavy arguments of the person of Musersky and Mikhailov annulled all the efforts of the French. Then the supermotional Volkov ventured, the Kovalev block was set up – victory!

Such an important and necessary. And also historical. In the arena of the opponent. With the score – 3: 0! How beautiful it was! By the way, the Champions Cup of the League of Nations is not the only prize that is supposed to the champions. For first place, our team will receive another million dollars.

The team of the Chlyapnikov Autumn World Championship, which wins the second big trophy during the second season, is listed in the rank of one of the favorites.

Dmitry Volkov and Taylor Sander (USA)
The blockade: Dmitry Musersky and Kevin Le Roux (France)
The Libero: Zhenya Grebennikov (France)
The binder: Benjamin Tontyutti (France)
Diagonal: Matthew Anderson USA)
The best player: Maxim Mikhailov.

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