Electronic Visa for what purpose will be issued by Kazakhstan


"The relevant state organs of the Republic of Kazakhstan are working on the implementation of the" e-Visa "roadmap and, as part of the implementation of the system, it is planned to develop a electronic application format and receive a single electronic visa (business, tourism or medical treatment), said the ministry in response to an official request from MIA Kazinform

.] The electronic visa is expected to be launched in 2018. The following steps will depend on the results of this work with the gradual introduction of fingerprints and genomic registration in the country.

It is noted that at the beginning, the crossing of the border of the Republic of Kazakhstan with an electronic visa will be carried out by the Astana and Almaty airports.Practical implementation of the pilot project, work is underway to develop an algorithm (procedure by apes) for an invitation, the issuance of a visa, the control of the stay in the country and the order of departure " [ad_2]
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