English fans asked for a weekend if the team wins at the 2018 World Cup


TASS, July 11th. English football fans appealed to the British government with a request to announce Monday after the 2018 World Cup finals an extra day off in the event of their team's victory at the World Cup. The text of the online petition is published Wednesday on the website of the British Parliament, when it is signed by more than 222 000.

The weekend is "necessary for all English fans ., it is noted in the text.The government should discuss the initiative, since the parliament considers all petitions with more than 100,000 signatures, is indicated on the page of appeal.

July 11 At 21:00 at the Luzhniki stadium in Moscow, the England team will start its semifinal against Croatia.The winner will have to fight in the final with the France team, which won on Tuesday the victory over Belgium with a score of 1: 0. The last match of the world championship will take place at the stadium "Luzhniki" on July 15.

The team of England in the final of the world championship n & rsquo; Played only once – at the national championship of 1966. Then, hosts in overtime o nt won the team of Germany with a score of 4: 2. The highest performance of the national team of Croatia is the bronze medal of the World Cup in France in 1998. [19659005] After finding the error in the text, select it and press Ctrl + Enter

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