Europe will hold the import of steel – News Mail.Ru


Photo Archive of Kommersant Publishing House

The European Union introduces a preliminary quota for the import of steel products, reacting to the closure of the US import market. steel and possible flows of volumes to the EU. According to unofficial data, the quotas will be calculated as the average volume of deliveries for the last three years, and their excess threatens a duty of 25%. Russian metallurgists have already reduced their exports to the EU after the introduction of leasing rights to 9.2 million tons in 2017 and do not expect a deterioration of the situation for them- same, which is also the case of badysts

. 19659006] "This measure aims to mitigate the negative impact of the reorientation of trade flows, while preserving the" The official told the agency.

According to Reuters sources, the quota will be determined on the basis of shipment data for several years, and a 25% duty will be levied on supplies over that volume. Sources of "b" among Russian metallurgists have also heard of the introduction of quotas, one of them said that they can be defined as an average of three years. The EC representative has not yet responded to a request from "Kommersant".

The European Commission announced in late March a special protection investigation, under which steel imports reaching 29.3 million tons in 2017 fall. Arguments in favor of the start of the investigation constitute a threatening trend in import growth in 2015-2016 in the context of overcapacity and trade restrictions in third countries. But it was also said at the time that the survey was one of three reported responses to US steel import duties (25%) and the US. aluminum (10%) under the art. 232. It was noted that the EC investigation will last nine months, ie before the end of 2018 – early 2019.

According to Kommersant sources, deliveries of iron and steel products from the Russian Federation to EU decreased after the introduction of duties on hot rolled and cold rolled. lease: if in 2015 it was 12.5 million tons, then in 2017 – 9.2 million tons to 4.4 billion dollars

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At the same time under investigation did not reach the slabs, which is important for the NLMK rolling mills

Severstal was informed by Kommersant that he had not yet received formal notification of the introduction but the company "has repeatedly stated that any trade restrictions are detrimental to participants in external economic activities and the development of the global economy as a whole". NLMK expects the quotas "to allow deliveries to continue in normal mode". Vice President Evraz Finance Nikolay Ivanov on July 4 noted in an interview with Interfax that "very small volumes are going to Europe", and since Evraz sold badets in Ukraine, "this figure is generally become very insignificant. "Andrei Lobazov of Aton notes that investors were especially concerned about introducing new or more aggressive tariffs or quotas for Severstal, Russia's largest exporter of steel products to the EU (1 million tonnes each). 2015-2016 and about 500 thousand tons in 2017), as well as the imposition of restrictive measures on the slabs, which would compromise the economic model of NLMK (but in the documents of the EC slabs

However, it is unclear whether quotas will be introduced in general in countries or separate companies, but as Severstal has already reduced deliveries to the Union European, there is probably no serious threat to the company, estimates the badyst.

Anatoly Jumailo

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