Fan ID will be distributed at all mass events in Russia – Sports Mail.Ru


Russian President Vladimir Putin called for the distribution of Fan ID technology for upcoming mbad events organized by Russia


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The proposal was made by Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets. She noted that technology had already "shown its value". "The application of such a technological principle would help us a lot to receive guests, especially foreigners," said Ms. Golodets

Fan ID was used at the World Cup in 2018 and a year earlier at the Confederations Cup. He allowed the ticket holder to go to the match.

Fan ID fans used free trains to the cities where matches were played, and also went free on public transport during matches. In addition, foreigners with Fan ID could enter Russia without a visa.

The Russian Ministry of Communications reported that only 1.83 million fan pbadports have been ordered to attend World Cup matches. According to the agency, most Fan IDs were commissioned by Russian citizens (987,000), China (68,000) and the United States (52,000). Fans of Mexican fans (44,000), Argentina (37,000), Brazil (35,000), Great Britain (31,000), Colombia (31,000), Germany (30,000), Brazil Peru (27,000).

The eve of the bill was introduced to allow foreign holders of the FM-2018 pbadport to visit Russia without a visa until December 31, 2018.

The winner of the 2018 World Cup was France team. She beat Croatia in the last match with a score of 4: 2.

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