Fans of the Russian national team presented Akinfeev with a bunch of tomatoes – Sports Mail.Ru


Fans during the meeting with the Russian national team gave the goaltender of the national team Igor Akinfeev a bunch of tomatoes, according to the microblogging of the Russian national team on Twitter


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The Russians, on Saturday in Sochi, lost to the Croatian team in the quarter-finals of the 2018 World Cup in a series of shots on goal. For the national team, the quarterfinals of the tournament were the best result at the world championships in post-Soviet history.

On Sunday at Vorobyovy Gory in Moscow, the players of the national team met the supporters, who gathered several thousand

there was a picture of a bouquet and the signature: "The bouquet original tomato for Igor Akinfeev Fans presented at the meeting. "

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