Fighter F-35 will not learn to fall to the ground


Source: U.S. Robert Behrer, the new director of the Defense Evaluation Department of the US Department of Defense, reported in his recent report to Congress and Pentagon management that only 50% of the multi-functional fighter-bombers the fifth generation F-35 ] more or less are usable. Two years ago, the military discovered 276 vulnerabilities in the aircraft, which concern the version of the operating system 3 ° F and more than half of them. have remained in the updated version of the 3FR6 software.

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In addition to three hundred errors already known in the fighter-bomber, Pentagon continues to find new ones – an average of 20 defects per month. In addition, the aircraft does not meet the requirements of a fifth-generation fighter because of impossibility of flying at a supersonic speed without the use of afterburner, low propulsion, high VS. and low survival and maneuverability. -35 – impossibility to use the integrated air gun without a major modification of the aircraft, limited capabilities for the defeat of moving ground targets, ineffective night vision system, unsatisfactory sensor performance But recently, the so-called "physiological episodes" with the pilots were added to the fighter's technical problems, that is, their health deteriorated considerably during the F-35 test flights

29 similar incidents. Five of this year's ten "physiological episodes" occurred between May 2 and June 8 at the US Air Force "Luke" in Arizona. As a result, the F-35 fighter's flights to the airbase were suspended, and after their renewal, three more "physiological episodes" were recorded. The authoritarian military doctor Jay Flottmann believes that dizziness, tingling of fingers and impaired vision occur because of the interaction of combat systems, flight conditions and equipment of the aircraft. 39, crew

. as a rule, due to the violation of blood flow and oxygen supply to the brain under severe overload.

According to the US Air Force, an average of two or three occurs each year. However, there are other examples, the hunter installs a self-GCAS

An error occurred during the download

During the flight Auto-GCAS follows the altitude and the direction of movement, and also processes data from airborne systems of the aircraft. If it determines that the path inevitably cuts the ground and that the pilot does not respond to collision alerts and does not intervene, the system automatically intercepts control and directs the aircraft upward with a maximum overload of 5g.

At a safe height, the system aligns the path and turns off. The Pentagon planned to complete the development of the Auto-GCAS system for F-35 fighters by 2024, as the Army considered the priority of developing software systems and Communication. Now, because of "physiological episodes" of the drivers, the development and implementation of the system is responsible for speeding up.

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