Finally, football has become better than Russian biathlon – Sports Mail.Ru


Four-time Olympic biathlon champion Alexander Tikhonov talked about the performance of the Russian national team at home world championship


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"Of course, we, frankly, did not expect such success and have not seen Soviet football since the golden age," wrote Tikhonov in a blog on its official website. – After the failures of the control games of the Russian national team, the mood was pessimistic for everyone. I do not remember one person among the representatives of the federation, former footballers and specialists and those who are close to football today, who predict that Russia will take a step away from semifinals. It has been said that the dream limit for our team is to leave the group. It's great that the whole country has received a real football festival.

I do not want to blame the head coach, this result is largely his merit. But I did not understand why Cherchesov was replacing Dziuba and Cheryshev so early, although both could take advantage of the penalty shoot-out. You could have predicted this draw based on the main and extra time. Smolov's entire tournament is not comfortable, and Fernandez has beaten a high-level penalty for the first time in his life. I'm sure Dzyuba and Cheryshev would have scored their 11-meter beats. But our country already has a lot of joy. Congratulations from the heart! Finally, football has become better than the Russian biathlon! .

Reminder, the Russian team for the first time in its history reached the quarterfinals of the World Cup, where in the penalty shootout lost Croatia (1: 1, Penalty – 3: 4) .

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