Football comes home! England – already in the semifinals of the World Cup – Sports Mail.Ru


8 of 11. 8 of 11 goals in this World Championship England scored goals. Wow. Surprisingly different: perhaps, the most combinative and reasonable for many years, England collects goals after the corner and the penalty. But not because she does not know how to do that game. And "only hopes for standards."

They are not donated by Kane, as for the Euro, and people specializing in crosses – Young in "MU" and Trippier in Tottenham. "It's significant that even against Sweden (which, so to speak, bigger players) the Angular England converted into a goal." The "locomotive" brand already led to the decoupling of Maguire's car – and a coup in the corner

England knows how to play with the ball and create on half of someone else.But the result at the World Cup gives it the opportunity to pbad to the old-school British football

8 goals of the standards – wow.


"Guys, sorry, I have to go to the stadium!" – almost begged a British fan, with a banner that the The Russians organized a photo shoot about half an hour later with Matt and his "beer flag" fotkalis just about everything. "Cider country" really liked ours – no one thought of Marcel 2.0 in Samara [19659003] "England and Russia – friendship from the front!" – it was the main soundtrack of Russian fans and just e the inhabitants of the city before the match. They have themselves approached the British and have just climbed … sorry, lovers of conflict, do not fight. And the caresses

In terms of fan movement this was probably the most casual FM-18 game. The crazy Colombian cartel in Samara did not come – and the Swedes and British did not particularly move. The English simply sang "Footbal Go Home", catching a buzz of a very unusual state – their team has not screwed up, but is close to the World Cup medals.

The Swedes were not a relaxation either. For their team, the quarter-finals are even more successful. The Scandinavians of Samara were so relaxed – they sunbathed, they maximized the tasting of beer, nobody was at the bottom. Although in the cult brewery "At the bottom", the Swedes, of course, turn off.

In short, Russia is generally grateful to everyone. No war, just peace.


Raheem Sterling – the worst striker of the World Cup. On the implementation of moments. Finish – clearly not the best Manchester City qualifying striker. This was known before the World Cup, in many ways, therefore, the British media almost always ask Southgate to release Rashford early.

But Sterling will come out. It turns out that he flees everyone, almost messianically treats the balloon, he creates moments for himself. But do not turn them into goals yet.

If the moments for the national team of England instead of Sterling would have been achieved by Smolov – England would have had a 3-0 break. At least.

But 45 minutes of domination led only to one goal in England


But in the second half, Dela Alli scored the second goal. The second in terms of criticism of the player of the England national team was very actively defended at the press conference Gareth Southgate: "You do not notice how good Dele is. not in the best physical condition, after the injury, he still frees a lot of areas and constantly supports the opponent.Allie does not score? We do not seem to have left the World Cup, everything is ahead. "[19659003] And you say – in England there are no good coaches. It seems that there is – Southgate up here in the tournament counts almost everything. England is probably the most manageable team of the tournament

It is Allie who finally brought the British to the semi-finals – the Swedes after the break finally played football , several times at the expense of power and "attacks on the synopsis" strained Pikforda but they did not score. Because in England, about sensation, finally appeared … well, it's the most guardian …

In addition, the British composed a damn indicative goal – a long "position" lasted more than a minute, four (!) the Southgate gang could hang in the penalty area.

But she did not do it. I have tried to bring to the good. Play the ball. And did the cross only when Allie really opened in the free zone. And not just an "awning for a shed". Absolutely "Tottenham", from elsewhere. Only in the place of Eriksen, Lingard cut the lunch, and Alli scored such goals (space found, realized the moment) in the "spurs" of T-shirt for a long time.

But England does not collect the semi-finals of the world championships. But what she does exactly is write a "new story," which Southgate says without stopping.

And this is not just that. Here is the new story of the New England team, from which no one has waited for the World Cup – the semi-finals of the World Cup.


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