Football fans went to Yekaterinburg 211 million rubles


Yekaterinburg took second place in the list of cities hosting the 2018 World Cup, spending football fans. During the group phase, according to estimates VTB, the volume of transactions reached 211 million rubles, more only in Moscow

VTB specialists studied the transactional activity of customers in places where the pos-terminals of the bank were installed. The expenses in the categories "Bars / Restaurants", "Hotels", "Souvenirs" and "Transport" were taken into account, the press service of the financial organization declared to [Uralinformbureau] in

Moscow "shook" football fans 16.2 billion rubles. Only in "Hotels" the turnover has increased 1.6 times – up to 444 million rubles, and in bars and restaurants 1.3 times – up to 2.8 billion.

In third place – Kazan with 146 million rubles, the fourth – St. Petersburg (68 million). The fifth of the leaders of Volgograd closes, where fans have left 64 million.

Kaliningrad forced fans to shell out 50 million, Nizhny Novgorod – almost 38, Samara to 32 and Saransk was contented with only 5 million rubles

was recorded in Sochi – only in the category " Hotels' turnover has increased nearly six times. The total volume of operations during the group phase at the Black Sea station amounted to 43 million rubles

Overall, the number of card transactions in the participating cities at mundialya exceeded 10 million. The average check fired 1,700 rubles. In terms of transportation, football fans spent 14 billion rubles, on food – 3.2 billion. Six times less went to hotels – 486 million rubles. Another 60 million went to matryoshkas, auricles, magnets and other memories.

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