Footballer of the Russian national team became the most played at the World Championships – Sports Mail.Ru


The midfielder of the Russian national team Roman Zobnin was beaten "one against one" 14 times at the World Championships. This is reported in the Twitter account of the WhoScored statistics portal.

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No footballer who participated in the tournament has been beaten so many times. Zobnin participated in five fights, each from start to finish.

According to statistics from the International Football Federation, the Russian midfielder made 34 caps and ran 62 kilometers for five matches – the best performance among all players. In general, the defense team was the best at the World Cup: the players committed 259 defensive actions

At home World, the Russian team managed to reach the quarterfinals, where Croatia lost the penalty. The Balkans have finally made their way to the final, where they will play against France on July 15th.

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