For the demolition of gardens for the construction of the eastern exit of the UFA 120 million rubles


The funds are provided in the territorial order for the preparation of the site for the construction of the transport corridor "Vostochny vyzd" (after the year 2022 the federal roads M5 and M7 must be connected by the city ). . BRICS Bank awarded. According to the head of the state of transport, another 500 million rubles. 632 million rubles have already been used for site preparation for this project . he noted.

Departure from Ufa – the largest infrastructure project in Bashkortostan. Its value was estimated in 2017 at 34 billion rubles. with VAT. The project must be implemented under concession, the concession of Bashkir is chosen by the concessionaire, of which 51% belong to OOO Aktiv (owned by the co-owners of the Institute of St. Petersburg, Alexei Zhurbin, Alexander Zlotnikov, Alexander Mitrov and Alexei Surovtsev), 49% Limak Group (general contractor in construction). Under the terms of the 25-year concession agreement, the concessionaire must build a 16-km long transportation corridor in four years, and in the next 21 years, maintain and repair with funds from the Republic. The road tunnel on the descent to the Ufa River of a length of 1.2 km (construction began in 1992), a new bridge over the river Ufa of a length of 2.5 km and the M5 and M7 Trails Should Become Parts of the Transportation Corridor

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