Gleb Nikitin held the first meeting of the Commission for the Protection of the Rights of Defrauded Co-Investors


On 6 July, the head of the Nizhny Novgorod region, Gleb Nikitin, held the first meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission for the Protection of the Rights and Legitimate Interests of Citizens Participating in the Joint Construction of Buildings of apartments

. It included government officials from the region, law enforcement agencies, citizens' action groups affected by developer actions, as well as businesses – potential investors. At the first meeting, representatives of the co-investor initiative groups were invited – LC "Novelties Smart Sity" and LCD "Na Goncharova".

"The commission should meet once a quarter, but that does not suit me, and I think in the next couple of months we should look at all the 19 sites, and the task force should meet at less once every 10 days, "said the chief of the region

. the solution of these problems. Part of the objects can be completed using unrealized areas with minimal financial support. To do this, it is necessary to take the appropriate administrative decisions. We are also negotiating with the bank to fund potential investors. However, nothing justifies the responsible persons in case of failure of the deadlines established, "said Nikitin Gleb.

The commission's working group was headed by the councilor of the chief of the region Sergey Morozov. investors have expressed their desire and intention to complete the construction of LCD "New Smart Sity". To date, we, along with Sberbank – this is our partner for this project – we are determining the financial model for the completion of construction. I hope that in the near future, first, this financial model will be agreed, secondly, there will be statements about the new developers at this establishment " , said Sergey Morozov.] With the LCD screen "On Goncharova", as noted Sergey Morozov, the situation is more complicated: "We will solve the problem with the forces of the order over there. In addition, it is expected that the problem will be examined in the near future by the Interministerial Commission under the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation. "

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