Golovin became the most mentioned football player in social networks after the match between Russia and Croatia


TASS, July 8th. The midfielder of the Russian national team Alexander Golovin became the most mentioned player after the match of the ¼ finals of the World Cup with the Croatian team. The TASS material uses data from the Brand Analytics badytical system.

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On Saturday, the Russian team lost to the Croatian national team at the Sochi stadium "Fisht" in the penalty shootout (3: 4). The main time was over with the score 1: 1, in overtime, the team scored one goal more (2: 2). Denis Cheryshev opened the account in the 35th minute of the match, the second goal of the Russian team at the end of the second half added scored Mario Fernandez. In the shootout, Daler Kuzyaev, Sergei Ignashevich and Alan Dzagoev made their shots; Fyodor Smolov and Fernandez were unable to score

To identify the most popular people, the messages in the social networks of the fans at the "Fisht" stadium were badyzed between 20:00 and 23:59 Moscow time (the match took place from 21:00 to 00:05). According to the agency, the name Golovin was mentioned 3582 times, in second place Artem Dzyuba (3156). The first three were Igor Akinfeev (2703). Among the Croats, the most mentioned was Captain Luka Modric (555), who took eighth place in the note.

In total, from 20:00 to 23:59, 65,797 messages were published by 22,854,000 authors with 44,287 viewers. The most active activity is marked at the end of the match – 23:50 Moscow time, when the number of messages increases to 20,000.

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The most popular post with geostation "Fisht" is a picture posted on Instagram gratitude to fans.

The second in the list of the most popular has become another post of the Russian team with the message "Unfortunately, this time the luck was not on our side.We finish our route to the Championship of World, but we gave everything. "

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TV commentator Evgeny Savin thanked the Russian national team for participating in the tournament – his message was the third most popular.

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The Russian team for the first time in its history reached the ¼ finals of the World Cup. Croatian players in the semifinals of the tournament will meet the British on July 11 in Moscow at the stadium "Luzhniki".

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