Goszhilstroynadzor: how the Urals move to direct contracts for the payment of housing services


Goszhilstrojnadzor specialists from the Sverdlovsk region explained the procedure for concluding direct contracts of apartment owners with resource providers.

The new law was pbaded because of large accumulated debts. Often backlogged due to payment violations, which afford CC. The possibility of switching to direct contracts with energy suppliers appeared in April 2018. The basis of this can be:

1. The decision of the general meeting of the owners.

2. Unilateral refusal of the service providers of the management company because of accumulated debts for the resources previously consumed.

In the first case, the contract between suppliers and owners will be an indispensable necessity. In the second – this is not necessary, the organization providing resources will have enough to notify its decision of the Criminal Code and Goszhilstroynadzor. It will also be necessary to confirm the refusal of intermediate services in the information system of the municipal services and housing (GIS Housing and Municipal Services).

The specialists note that the contract of supply of the house is terminated 30 days after the notification of all the interested parties. But this rule only applies to MKD's residential and non-residential premises. Mutual settlements for resources for the maintenance and upkeep of the commons remain unchanged. The payment for them is still set out in the Criminal Code. In addition, these costs will be shared among all the owners of the premises.

An important point: after entering into direct contracts with resource persons, placing dwellings in utility bills on the part of owners will be illegal. This results in a fine and, perhaps, a cancellation of the license.

If a payment was made to the Criminal Code by for any reason it is not necessary to reimburse this service to tenants. In this case, it will be badumed that the owner has fulfilled his obligations to the supplier, and the debt will be collected from the management company.

For more details on direct contracts with energy suppliers, please contact the experts of the Ministry of Construction on the RosKvartal site. [ad_2]
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