How to increase wages in Moldova: who is luckier, who is less


The salary will be higher for teachers and scientific and educational executives of higher education, general and professional and technical . According to the authors of the initiative, these measures are calculated based on the percentage growth of the average salary for the year, compared to the average salary of teachers in the fourth quarter of the previous year.

As a result, the salary, for example, the rector will rise to six thousand 460 lei, and the university professor – up to four thousand 840 lei. The salary of the university conference will be higher by 325 lei, the speakers will receive 300 lei more. Increase the salaries of badistants and coaches in universities. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the average monthly salary of teachers in the fourth quarter of 2017 exceeded five thousand 700 lei, and the average salary on the economy, scheduled for the current year, is six thousand and 180 lei.

But civil servants, working in local public administrations, will raise wages by up to 50% of salary. The corresponding decision was also adopted by the Moldovan deputies at the last reading

Thus, mayors [maires] vice-mayors, district presidents and their deputies, praetors and vice-praetors receive a monthly increase of up to 50% of their official salary. For example, if the average salary of civil servants occupying the highest positions of the local public administration is six thousand 135 lei, given the increase, this payment will be equal to nine thousand 200 lei [19659002] three thousand five thousand lei

The new amendments give district and local councils the right to increase the wages of social workers in villages and towns up to 20% of salary due to income additional, received from the local budget execution.

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