I am happy to have had the first training. Jagr, 46, begins preparations for his 31st season – European Hockey News – Hockey


It is very hard to believe, but it seems that the incredible Czech striker Jaromir Jagr continues to extend his playing career for at least a year. His first games in adult hockey Yardo pbaded in 1988 – many who read this text, at the time not yet born. The next season will be for the Czech Republic 31.

On the eve of Jagr spent the first training this summer – as part of his native Kladno. The appearance of the veteran on the ice was almost the main event of the off-season in Czech hockey: dozens of journalists came to the lesson, who, above all, were interested in the plans of the # 39; idol of the nation for the near future. Jaromir has correctly badessed his current state, but, as always, he has set an ambitious goal:

Who does not like the challenges? I love them a lot. The first training of today? I did not expect miracles, but I'm happy to have at least experienced it. I plan to prepare well for the new season and be ready for the starting game.

Jaromir Jagr, striker of HC Kladno

Jagr also calmed his fans, noting that his knee is often troubled, everything is fine now. And still recognized – age is felt. Immediately, he declared his intention to progress. Progress in 46 years! It seems that he is still not not from this planet.

"My only goal right now is to feel better tomorrow than today and add day after day, in which case one day I will be able to feel good. I went on ice for the first time in six months.It was my first full-fledged training.I did not feel very well.And it's not in the knee, it's fine. legs and muscles are still weak.My main limitation is age.There are things I would like to do, but I can not anymore.At my age, such restrictions occur more often.But I believe that when the leg and the whole body become stronger, I can progress. "

Jagr returned to the Czech Republic last summer, after Calgary put the legendary player on a rebound and not on a He did not offer him a contract, but in the first game, after his return to the Czech Republic, Jaromir gave a performance ab rupte – the veteran gave three badists, and his "Kladno" won with a score of 7: 2.

Then everything went wrong. Jagra began to worry about injuries, and in one of the matches, the rival put him on the side that even a stretcher was carried on the ice. Jaromir left the site himself, despite the fact that his jersey was soaked with blood.

Jagr could not help Kladno to get a promotion in the clbad – the team remained in the second division of Czech hockey. But the striker and the club owner have the intention to repair it as soon as the new season. Although someone is now ready to put money on the fact that Jagr will not succeed?

Age: 46 years old.

Seasons in the professional career: 30.

Games in the NHL: 1733.

Points in the NHL: 1921 (766 + 1155).

Matches for the National Team: 145.

Points in the National Team: 102.

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