"I have traveled a distance of 70 kilometers, but these loads are much steeper." The Belarussian risked the taking of Elbrus and tells how


Ales is an extreme mother who often gave a serious blow to her body: she ran an ultramarathon, crossed distances with obstacles, drove a car at a speed of over 320 kilometers per hour. In general, he has something to boast about. And recently, the manager decided to close another element of his vi-list and went to storm Elbrus. It has turned out that climbing is basically new sensations and loads.

To experience self and body is, apparently, a hobby of Ales. After a number of successful experiences, he decided to go to the mountains – Elbrus – and started a serious preparation.

– I made my decision, because I have never done it, although there are experienced guys in my environment. I like difficult tasks. I have found a company that organizes such tours, and who chose the most difficult of them – she called the Cross of Elbrus. His itinerary is about 50 kilometers. In general, the cost of these visits ranges from $ 2 to $ 5,000, but it's worth it.

I have a pretty active lifestyle: I jumped from a height, attached to my feet, skated on the world's biggest car, ran ultramarathon, distance with obstacles, traveled at a speed of over 320 kilometers per hour. But the mountains – it's completely different, it must be prepared. Five days a week, I did seven workouts: twice the pool, two others – a bar and bars, three – presses and pumps, plus running. Two days left to recover. In truth, Elbrus can be ascended from different sides, and there are enough light roads where global training is not necessary. But I wanted a maximum immersion.

Six people took part in the climb, and two experienced guides with over 13 years of experience accompanied the group – the guys were athletic and prepared. Our route is really complicated, because everyone was carrying a backpack weighing about 30 kilos, and the climbs were steep in most cases. Internal sensations, it's like taking a 50-kilogram girl on her shoulders and walking with her on a good straight asphalt over a distance of 50 kilometers.

Mountain boots are very heavy. But it can not be otherwise. Each step is a real effort. You go for a few hours – you have a blistering corn. I pierced it, I covered it with glue, I sealed it, you go farther. We rested, of course, but the charge is still very serious – without preparation to go on this road, there is no sense. And doing it alone is like signing a death sentence.

Add the weather to the list of difficulties. We're going – around the heat, the real devil, you're sweating terribly. It takes about twenty minutes – the snow starts. Fifteen minutes later, a piercing wind. Another half hour – a heavy downpour. You must stop, take off your backpack, bring yourself a waterproof jacket, then remove it, take on other pants and a warm jacket. In addition, the higher you climb, the more you feel the lack of air – this can be slightly compared to the effect of the bath. Well and mountain sickness – everyone shows it in its own way. For example, a girl with a climbing experience in our group did not eat a day and a half at all: there was no appetite. Someone has a stool, someone started vomiting, someone had a terrible headache.

Nobody knew anyone in our team before the climb. There were different guys from Ukraine and Russia, but we quickly found a common language – already in the car on the way out. They talked about hobbies, training and immediately found a common ground. All the guys were very responsive, and that helped in practice. Me, for example, I do not eat meat, and between meals takes a long time, and I always want something to eat – nuts or raisins. As a result, the guys gave me their energy bars, although all the provisions were strictly written in grams. And they were fed: I gave them my meat, they told me – their bars. Despite the stressful situation, we had no conflict: everyone understood that it would be very difficult.

We had to reach a height of 5,642 meters above sea level, but I went down to 3700 meters. I had a dislocation during the descent. The descent is actually no easier than lifting, even the instructor said: "Personally for me, the descent is hell." Imagine: you go down a steep slope with a 30-kilogram backpack behind your shoulders, and this is not a flat surface – you have paving stones under your feet. This is a crazy charge! A clumsy move – and I was hurt. Has already come down with pains. We had supper and went to bed. I thought everything would be fine: I smeared my foot with ointments and drank powerful badgesics in the evening and in the morning. I decided to go further, but I felt a sharp pain – a real injection with every step. I understood that now we are not far from the camp, and somewhere there, at the height, there will be no help in the mountains, and on one leg it will not help. there will be no place to go. I did not want to shoot the team and I decided to leave the race. It was a pity, do not translate with words.

I went down, I lived two more days in base camp, I met and talked with different people – this is a very interesting area of ​​information. I've noticed that there are two types of people: the first is senior executives or business owners who are looking for new emotions, they want to overcome themselves, the second is spiritually developed , disinterested people. With one of them, I started talking on the road: the man is 72 years old, although for nothing one can say it. He has not eaten meat for about 26 years, he is shining in the eyes, like a young man, he is slim, fit, and goes to the mountains for about 35 years – his teeth have eaten him.

and later I signed with the other participants of the ascent. Nobody reached the final. At 4800 meters, the weather did not leave them: for two or three days they waited for the situation to change, but unfortunately it did not happen, and the group disappeared.

I recover: I take a Polish medicine and a German, I constantly mbadage and I rub with my ointments a sore leg. I sincerely believe that everything will be fine: I already signed with the guys on the sequel. I have never been to the top of the mountain and that interests me. I want to finish what I started, even if it is a simpler route. If all goes well with the leg, I will close this goal this year and then decide for myself if I like it or not. I believe that a big mistake is to live life and not try to climb the mountains.

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