I want the finals France – England – Sports Mail.Ru


The legendary British rock musician the Rolling Stones singer, Mick Jagger, was for sure the most unexpected guest of the France-Belgium semi-final match of St. Petersburg. And even more unexpected was the fact that "Soviet sport" he was caught immediately at the exit of the VIP box .


Apparently something happened …

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– Are you here on the invitation of whom?

– For whom. I invited myself. I wanted to see football – I flew away.

– The sons are also fans?

– Yes, James and Lucas are with me

– And what are your impressions?

– It's funny.

Are there any other notes?

– Yes, a fun game

– Now you want the final of France – England?

– I do not want – I can now go to Moscow. And I will support for England. But this morning, I will decide.

– Another "rolling", Ronnie Wood – he was also going with you?

– I did not find the ticket.

– How is the stadium? How is the atmosphere here?

– I came before the game. I was immediately surrounded by fans, photographed. I liked everything.

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Left the game
Made his match
Yellow card
Red card
Second yellow card
Team captain
Own goal
Penalty goal
Unrealized penalty
Penalty: completed penalty
Penalty: unrealized penalty

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