IAAF: IAAF doping cases against Russians do not mean ban on taking part in departures – Athletics News – Summer


On Friday, the IAAF published a list of athletes for whom suspicions of anti-doping rule violations were opened, taking into account the data specified in the report of the independent commission of the anti-doping rules. World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) under the direction of Richard McClaren. The list has been compiled by the independent body of the IAAF to monitor compliance with the anti-doping rules of the Athletic Integrity Unit (AIU).

In total, there are 14 Russian athletes in the list of 109 presumed athletes, including Olympic high jump champion Ivan Ukhov. "Having a name on these lists does not mean that its owner does not have the right to participate in competitions," Ikonnikova said. – For example, Ivan Ukhov, on whom the proceedings are taking place, has the right to speak at the same Russian championship, since he is not temporarily suspended. The IAAF adheres to the principle of openness and thus informs about the existence of the cases brought before the athletes and the stage at which they are considered.

In November 2015, the IAAF suspended membership in the ALV on the basis of a survey conducted by Richard Pound. The basis of all this was the testimony of Vitaly and Yulia Stepanov in the films of the German TV channel ARD on the so-called doping system used by athletes in Russia. To restore the Russian organization, the IAAF created an ad hoc working group led by Rune Andersen.

In 2016, an independent commission led by McClaren reported on the results of the investigation into allegations of fraud at the Sochi Olympics. The investigation is based on the statements of the former head of the Moscow Anti-Doping Laboratory, Grigory Rodchenkov, who badured that more than a thousand athletes were involved in the investigation. Systematic use of doping.

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